Noemi Faustini is a native of Rome but lives in Jerusalem and is currently pursuing a doctorate at Pontificia Università Gregoriana in Rome from 2022, under the guidance of Prof. Simone D’Agostino. Her research centers on exploring the Kabbalistic influences on Simone Weil’s concept of nothingness within the impersonal and decreated being. Starting from the studies of Wladimir Rabi in his “
La conception weilienne de la création. Rencontre avec la Kabbale juive” and Maurice Blanchot, she aims to discover, as the primary question, why this statement is built off by their scholarship and how it is at play in Weil’s thought. Investigating the notions she absorbed through the Jewish Parisian scholarship before the Second World War, she focuses for the first time on how this conception reached her and the level of reception that Weil had of Kabbalistic notions. Therefore, she conducts in her dissertation an in-depth analysis of Simone Weil’s life and her contact with the contemporary Parisian Jewish intellectual circle throughout the archives present in Israel and France, aiming to uncover the extent of Jewish mysticism’s influence on her work. She is a guest researcher at PhilOfr – République des Savoirs from September to December 2023.”
She is a guest researcher at PhilOfr – République des Savoirs from September to December 2023.
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Anne Simon (7 septembre 2023). Noemi Faustini | Doctorante en accueil | PhilOfr | sept.-déc. 2023. PhilOfr. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/stqr