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Stela Chvojková | Doctorante en accueil | PhilOfr | Fév.-mars 2024

Stela Chvojková est doctorante en philosophie à l’Université Charles de Prague, sous la direction de Jakub Čapek.

Son projet de recherche est intitulé “Radical asymmetry and non-violent relation to the other“.

In modern philosophy, the subject occupies a prominent position because of the asymmetry that results from its first-person perspective, the asymmetry between the self and the rest of the world. The fundamental philosophical problem becomes therefore the relation to the other, or, the mutual relation between subjects. Until the second half of the twentieth century, philosophers have primarily aimed to recover a neutral and symmetrical framework for this intersubjective relation. In such a framework, however, the other tends to be immediately reduced to a member of the common concept. The intention of this project will be to think through the irreducible asymmetry as a feature that can substantially determine the relation to the other as other, while considering the implications that it entails. Does the relation between us primarily take place between I and thou, between the first and the second person? And if so, does this mean that it must be radically asymmetrical? Or is it of primary importance that the members of this relationship are two equal, self-conscious (human) beings – and that the relationship should therefore, in turn, maintain symmetry? Or finally, is this dilemma false and does the question need to be reframed in some way? The starting point will be the reflections of Emmanuel Levinas as the discoverer of the radical asymmetry of the interpersonal. If we are to avoid totality and ensure a non-violent relationship with the other, according to Levinas, we must not try to compensate for the asymmetry between us and turn it into symmetry, but on the contrary, we must make this asymmetry the first principle of ethics, and this means: taking infinite responsibility for the other. In the project, we will ask what exactly his proposed infinite responsibility for the other means and how it relates to, or how it is compatible with, the freedom of the other. One of the significant parts of the project will be an attempt to develop a dialogue between Levinas and Judith Butler’s contemporary reflections on non-violence.

Elle est accueillie pour un séjour de recherche à PhilOfr – République des savoirs du 6 février au 31 mars 2024.

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Arto Charpentier (9 février 2024). Stela Chvojková | Doctorante en accueil | PhilOfr | Fév.-mars 2024. PhilOfr. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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