Cristina Henrique da Costa | Enseignante-chercheuse en accueil | PhilOfr | Fév.-Juillet 2024
Cristina Henrique da Costa est professeure de théorie littéraire à l’université d’Etat à Campinas (Brésil).

Son projet de recherche est intitulé “Writing About Literary Theories Today”.
The scattered nature of research in the field of Literary Studies, the polarisation that frames normative discourses on literature in academic circles, the growing opinion of researchers about the uselessness of using specific theories in the field – these are the main challenges faced by the research project “Writing about Literary Theories today”. Identifying the currently diffuse persistence of theoretical discourses in the field of Literary Studies is the first step towards studying the multiple and diverse field of theories, which can and should be the subject of renewed epistemological reflection. The research starts from the premise that literary theories, often unduly reduced to Russian formalism or the historical moment of structuralism, are distinct from philosophy, and therefore fulfil a fundamental specific task in the field of Literary Studies. This hermeneutic investigation aims to contribute to the configuration of an intelligible set of theories that are different from each other, with the ultimate goal of facilitating access to and use of theoretical discourses. To this end, it is committed to approaching the current theoretical-literary problem through an adaptation of Paul Ricoeur’s critical hermeneutics method, whose main advantages lie in knowing how to think productively about the conflict of interpretations, and enabling a type of analysis in which philosophical discourse does not replace the concrete study of theories. These theories, because they remain the target and object of research, can then be investigated through the subtlety of their specific and conflicting conceptual creations.
Elle est accueillie pour un séjour de recherche de six mois à PhilOfr – République des savoirs à partir de février 2024.
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Arto Charpentier (9 février 2024). Cristina Henrique da Costa | Enseignante-chercheuse en accueil | PhilOfr | Fév.-Juillet 2024. PhilOfr. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse