Colloque international “Michel Serres and Bruno Latour in conversation” | Maison Française d’Oxford | 23 et 24 mai 2024
Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent et Henriette Korthals Altes organisent un colloque international sur les échanges intellectuels entre Michel Serres et Bruno Latour, en partenariat avec la Fondation Michel Serres. Le colloque se tiendra à la Maison française d’Oxford, les 23 et 24 mai 2024, et pourra également être suivi à distance.

Eclaircissements (Conversations on Science, Culture and Time) is the original title of the volume of five dialogues between Michel Serres and Bruno Latour published in 1992. Widely translated, this book reflects a time of intense and joyous dialogue and sharing ideas. This conference aims to shed new light on their philosophical dialogue and explore how their views compare, clash, dovetail and are mutually enriching. How do, for instance, The Natural Contract and Politics of Nature, Biogea and Gaia, echo each other. This conference seeks to examine the legacy of Michel Serres in the light of his relation to Bruno Latour and identify continuities and fault lines between the two oeuvres. Beyond the question of legacy, the conference hopes to bring to the fore how both challenged modern categories to reconnect philosophy with the urgent questions concerning the Earth. The conference will also explore how their respective philosophical practices, as they break away from the traditional codes of academic writing, fashioned an idiosyncratic style of their own that allowed them to engage a larger readership and audience.
Lien vers le site de la Maison française d’Oxford :
To join the conference online, please follow the following direct links.
On May, 23rd (Day 1):
On May, 24th (Day 2):
To attend the conference in person, please register here:
Thursday May 23
13h30 Welcome and start
14h-16h: Successions and Secessions
Steven Connor (King’s College, London): Sect and Secession: Serres, Bachelard and Philosophies of No
Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne): So Near and so Far: Two Object-centred Philosophies
Massimiliano Simons (Maastricht University): Nothing but Experience: The Empiricisms of Serres and Latour
Moderator: Christina Howells (Wadham College, Oxford)
16h-16h30: Coffee Break
16h30-18h30: Translations
Lilian Kroth (University of Fribourg): Serres and Latour: what does it mean to translate?
Elie During (Université Paris-Nanterre): Scallops and Structures: Serres’ Paradoxical Contribution to the ‘Sociology of Translation’
Martin Crowley (University of Cambridge): ‘A line in the sand’
Moderator: Macs Smith (University College, London)
Friday May 24
9h30-11h30: The Natural Contract and Politics of Nature
Victor Simmonet (Université Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis): References and their potentials. Michel Serres and Bruno Latour’s politics through the prism of nature, modernity and style.
Catherine Larrère (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne): Serres and Latour : From The Natural Contract to ‘The Parliament of things’
David Webb (University of Staffordshire): Reason, Judgement and the Problem of Decision Making in Latour and Serres.
Moderator: Timothy Howles (University of Oxford)
11h30-13h: Lunch
13h-15h: Styles of writing and performing
Henriette Korthals Altes (Maison Française d’Oxford): What language do the things of the world speak?
Frédérique Aït-Touati (EHESS, Paris): FIC and fables: Uses of Literature in Michel Serres and Bruno Latour’s Works
Simon Schaffer (Darwin College, Cambridge) The Balance and the Network
Moderator: Arto Charpentier (ENS Paris)
Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent
Henriette Korthals Altes
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Arto Charpentier (25 avril 2024). Colloque international “Michel Serres and Bruno Latour in conversation” | Maison Française d’Oxford | 23 et 24 mai 2024. PhilOfr. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse