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Michel Serres: ecology, parasitism and the (post)human | Christina Howells and Sinan Richards (eds) | Modern & Contemporary France | May 2024

The Editors and Editorial Board of Modern & Contemporary France are delighted to announce the publication of issue 32, 2 (May 2024), a special issue guest-edited by Christina Howells and Sinan Richards, entitled Michel Serres: ecology, parasitism and the (post)human.




Book reviews

  • Pamela Pilbeam on Michel Biard and Marisa Linton, Terror. The French Revolution and its Demons(Polity, 2021)
  • Kathryn Robson on Carol Bourne-Taylor and Sara-Louise Cooper, eds., Variations on the Ethics of Mourning in Modern Literature in French (Peter Lang, 2022)
  • Ry Montgomery on Romain Chareyon, ed., Trans Identities in the French Media: Representation, Visibility, Recognition (Rowman and Littlefield, 2022)
  • Antonia Wimbush on Polly Galis, Frank French Feminisms: Sex, Sexuality and the Body in the Work of Ernaux, Huston and Arcan (Peter Lang, 2023)
  • Tony Chafer on Antoine Glaser and Pascal Airault, Le Piège africain de Macron (Fayard, 2021)
  • Fraser McQueen on Michel Houellebecq, Interventions 2020 (Polity, 2022)
  • Michael Seidman on Jean-Pierre Le Goff, Mes années folles: Révolte et nihilisme du peuple adolescent après Mai 68 (Laffont, 2023)

Executive Editor, Modern & Contemporary France

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne Simon (8 mai 2024). Michel Serres: ecology, parasitism and the (post)human | Christina Howells and Sinan Richards (eds) | Modern & Contemporary France | May 2024. PhilOfr. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

Anne Simon

Anne Simon est Directrice de recherche au CNRS et Professeure à l'Ecole normale supérieure (Paris). Responsable du Centre international d'étude de la philosophie française–PhilOfr, elle anime les carnets PhilOfr, Animots, Pôle Proust et Prix Recherche au présent.

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